Another ES Fundamentals for Business short course concluded at UCT

On 21 November 2014 the Department of Information Systems (IS) at the University of Cape Town (UCT) successfully concluded its second Enterprise Systems (ES) Fundamentals for Business short course. This second 5-day short course was again attended by students from TSiBA (Tertiary School in Business Administration), students from CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) as well as postgraduate IS students from UCT.
The course introduced students to key ES concepts. Students also acquired a general overview of the Procure-to-Pay, Sales-to-Cash and Inventory Management business processes. A real case study together with supported video material was provided as part of the curriculum, to aid the students’ learning and understanding. The students also had an opportunity to gain hands-on experience using SAP ERP software during the online workshop tutorials. The course concluded with an ES Fundamentals with SAP proficiency exam.
The majority of students felt that the course was very informative and they specifically appreciated the contribution that the practical sessions had in helping them understand the theory.
Update July 2015: Feedback from 3 TSiBA students was they were required to use SAP during their internship and had impressed their managers with the prior exposure through “the UCT course” and one student recommended that “all students attend a SAP course before graduating”.