ESEFA partner university lecturers who wish to teach the Enterprise Systems (ES) curriculum, either integrated into existing study programmes or as a short course, will need to liaise with the ESEFA co-ordinator at their university.
Attending an ESEFA ES Fundamentals Train-the-Lecturer course is a pre-requisite to teaching the ES curriculum. This training is offered free of charge to ESEFA partner institutions' lecturers by the ESEFA Centre, based at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in the Department of Information Systems, either at UCT itself or at an ESEFA partner university. Education for lecturers is provided as an intensive 5-day short course. The programme will be delivered in an online or blended-learning format with face-to-face instruction and web-based learning providing hands-on experience on the latest SAP ERP system.
Lecturers learn about a number of theoretical and practical issues concerning business processes and their mapping into an enterprise system. After completing this course, lecturers will be able to identify and match real-life business processes into ES business processes. The course consists of a core curriculum comprising SAP Navigation together with the Procure-to-Pay, Sales-to-Cash and Inventory Management business processes. The course features a distinct didactical component to prepare lecturers for their forthcoming Enterprise Systems teaching role. Lecturer notes are part of the curriculum content which explain common problems that may be experienced during the practical sessions with students and how to solve these.
The course concludes with an ES Fundamentals qualification exam which, on passing, qualifies lecturers to teach the ESEFA curriculum.

Curriculum and SAP ERP system access
As soon as lecturers have successfully qualified to teach the ES curriculum they are given access to the ESEFA university community platform via the ESEFA portal.
The ESEFA portal gives lecturers access to highly relevant customised teaching content, student examinations and course evaluations, discussion forums and academic and technical support pertaining to the learning content and platform. This community forum of lecturers from universities across Africa enables collaboration in research and curriculum adaptation.
Lecturers also have access to a pre-configured (for ESEFA) SAP ERP system on which to teach their practical sessions in their computer labs. The SAP ESEFA client is hosted at the SAP University Competence Centre (SAP UCC) at the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg (OVGU). The SAP UCC’s helpdesk provides ongoing technical support.
SAP University Alliances (SAP UA) membership
Lecturers at ESEFA partner universities automatically gain membership to the global University Alliances Community (UAC) of more than 17,000 academics from over 2,650 universities worldwide. The University Alliances Programme (UAP) offers extensive professional development and collaboration opportunities.