Ghana Lecturer training November 2014

ESEFA project executive sponsor Associate Professor Lisa Seymour, from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Cape Town (UCT), gave a lecturer training course in “ES Fundamentals with SAP” at the African University College of Communications (AUCC) in Accra, Ghana from the 24th to 28th November 2014.
Ms Karin Reissenauer, ESEFA project manager at UCT assisted with the training at AUCC where 11 academics from the University of Ibadan (UI) in Nigeria and 5 academics from AUCC participated.
The course was well received by all, and lecturers were looking forward to start teaching the ES Fundamentals modules to their students.
Both Lisa and Karin were very pleased with their new Ghanaian outfits, especially handmade for them in Accra.