The University of Ibadan, Nigeria gives its first ESEFA short course April 2015

The University of Ibadan (UI) in Nigeria recently launched its first ES Fundamentals short course under the leadership of UI’s ESEFA coordinator Dr Victor Oladokun (from the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering). ESEFA project team members from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Cape Town, Associate Professor Lisa Seymour (ESEFA Executive Sponsor) and Ms Tejumade Adeniran (ESEFA Project Administrator at UCT) flew to Nigeria to offer technical assistance and support for the week of 13th to 17th April.
The short course enjoyed collaboration among eleven trainers from Departments of Industrial & Production Engineering, Computer Science and Agricultural Economics at UI. In total 17 postgraduate students (PhD and Masters) from the three Departments, as well as an additional four lecturers from the Department of Industrial and Production Engineering attended this first short course. The students as well as the trainers were excited to learn about and teach Enterprise Systems fundamentals.
“So we are running the first short course at UI and the lecture this morning was Navigation... your guess is as good as mine. The participants got so engrossed that tea break was announced an hour late and they were still very unwilling to take a break...that is SAP for you. So finally we got the participants to have some tea but we had to make them shut down and close their laptops before the next lecture could effectively start.....Interesting!” (Trainer).
“This training programme has been really beneficial for me in that it has added value to my studies and has broadened my understanding as an engineer and of ERP systems” (student)
During the training the ESEFA team visited the office of the Vice-Chancellor Professor Isaac Adewole for a small ceremony whereby the SAP UA Certificates of Proficiency “Train the Trainer – ES Fundamentals with SAP’ were presented to the 11 lecturers that attended the ESEFA lecturer training held at the African University College of Communications (AUCC) in Accra, Ghana in November 2014. With the additional 4 lecturers that qualified to teach ES Fundamentals to students in April 2015, the University of Ibadan now has 15 ESEFA qualified lecturers – the highest number out of all the ESEFA partner universities.
A second short course was given at UI the week thereafter from the 20th to 24th April where another 27 postgraduate students from the Departments of Agricultural Economics, Educational Management, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Agricultural & Environmental Engineering and Industrial & Production Engineering completed their ES Fundamentals training.